Guardian Angel Stories: A Fighting Chance for Scuba Steve

When Scuba Steve first arrived at SICSA, the only concerns staff had were with his teeth and matted fur. He was clearly in need of a cleaning and multiple dental extractions, and his fur would have to be shaved. Though the extractions and grooming went well, shortly into his healing process, volunteers and staff noticed another issue. Scuba Steve regularly had diarrhea, so often that SICSA’s veterinary staff felt it was necessary to see him once more and test a sample of his stool. Nearly a month later, another issue surfaced. Scuba Steve had begun vomiting, concerning the Animal Care Staff.

SICSA’s Veterinary team tried a number of treatments, from medications to a hypoallergenic diet. While his vomiting subsided, Scuba Steve continued to have issues with his stool. After ruling out a list of possible causes, it was decided that Scuba Steve should have a surgical biopsy completed. After the biopsy, Scuba Steve’s mystery ailment was revealed: Intestinal Small Cell Lymphoma, cancer in his intestinal tract.

Even given his new cancer diagnosis, Scuba Steve maintained his loveable personality. Thanks to the Guardian Angel Fund, the SICSA Pack had everything they needed to get behind their feline friend and begin his treatment. In May, with SICSA staff and volunteers rooting for him, Scuba Steve began his chemotherapy. By mid-June, he was adopted into an incredible forever home where he now enjoys spending time perched in his favorite window.

Scuba Steve’s medical journey is rare for many cats in under-funded shelters. The Guardian Angel Fund is the key to SICSA’s ability to provide pets like Scuba Steve the unique medical treatment and fighting chance they deserve. With the help of Guardian Angels, SICSA can go above and beyond for cats like him that would often otherwise needlessly suffer or face euthanasia. When you donate to the Guardian Angel Fund, 100% of your donation goes to animals in unique medical or behavioral need like Scuba Steve.

Please, donate today and help SICSA continue to give vulnerable animals like Scuba Steve the ability to live to see adoption. When you donate to the Guardian Angel Fund between now and the end of October 2022, your gift will be matched by our incredible partners, providing twice the impact. To learn more about the Guardian Angel Fund and become a lifesaving Guardian Angel today, click here.

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